Thursday, August 7, 2008

Catching Air

Very excited! Today I caught air on 2 individual handstand pushups. It
was not a lot of air, but I was airborne.
After that I deadlifted: 4 set with last 2 sets @ 355 for 5-6 reps. I
also did t sets each of over and under hand 1-arm pull ups. Sure, I
got some funny looks @ the gym today, but I was pleased with catching


gilesdm said...

OK, sounds like you are shooting ahead of me. I have tried to get some air on a number of occasions and always failed. I think, that i need to lose some body weight, while manitaining strengh.

What do you think is the best hand positioning for the Hand Stand Clap?

Charlotte said...

Amazing!! In all my years of gymnastics I never got air off my handstand push-ups (well, unless I rolled into the handstand...). When do we get to see pics?

±L said...

Nice work, mate.